Legislative Alerts

This page contains information on legislation that involves non-accredited private schools in Kansas. KSHE encourages all homeschool families to stay informed - read bills as they work through the system, and listen to the hearings on these bills. Watch your email and our Facebook group for updates and alerts!


Legislative Alert:  KSHE is watching and studying Senate Bill 75 sponsored by the Senate Committee on Education.  This is a tax credit bill which concerns students who do not attend public schools.  During the Senate Education Committee meeting on 2/13/25, SB 75 was amended.  Two amendments were introduced by Senator Shane and were passed by the committee.  The first amendment he introduced was to change the amount of the tax credit to be tied directly to how much money was spent on the education of each child with a cap of $8,000 for accredited private schools and $4,000 for non-accredited private schools.  The second amendment was to strike lines 19-28 on page 2 which allowed the department of revenue to consult with the state department of education.  Opposition to the bill centered around the misuse that could happen without having the accountability of consulting the state department of education.  Check out what was said at Senate Committee on Education 02/13/2025 - YouTube. This bill will now go to the Senate floor for vote. Contact the Senators to let your voice be heard! Watch here for updates on this bill.


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