A Fresh Look At Adam & Eve – Brian Young (Creation Instruction)
For years we have thrown Adam under the bus as one who messed everything up, but as we look at the message of Creation you may be shocked to see a fresh look at this event that changes your entire perspective of how you teach your children. This will help to “refresh” yourself as you begin another school year.
For years we have thrown Adam under the bus as one who messed everything up, but as we look at the message of Creation you may be shocked to see a fresh look at this event that changes your entire perspective of how you teach your children. This will help to “refresh” yourself as you begin another school year.
For years we have thrown Adam under the bus as one who messed everything up, but as we look at the message of Creation you may be shocked to see a fresh look at this event that changes your entire perspective of how you teach your children. This will help to “refresh” yourself as you begin another school year.