Fantasy & The Reader's Heart - Brian Davis


Come hear Brian Davis explain how fantasy can inspire readers in their spiritual lives, and how to discern good, moral fantasy and identify destructive fantasy. The workshop also provides an extensive list of Christian world view fantasy authors to choose from as well as online resources for parents’ guides to popular books. This is a helpful talk for parents, teachers, and other adults who guide children in their literary pursuits.

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Come hear Brian Davis explain how fantasy can inspire readers in their spiritual lives, and how to discern good, moral fantasy and identify destructive fantasy. The workshop also provides an extensive list of Christian world view fantasy authors to choose from as well as online resources for parents’ guides to popular books. This is a helpful talk for parents, teachers, and other adults who guide children in their literary pursuits.

Come hear Brian Davis explain how fantasy can inspire readers in their spiritual lives, and how to discern good, moral fantasy and identify destructive fantasy. The workshop also provides an extensive list of Christian world view fantasy authors to choose from as well as online resources for parents’ guides to popular books. This is a helpful talk for parents, teachers, and other adults who guide children in their literary pursuits.

Math-Does It Matter How You Teach? - Kathleen Cotter Clayton
Fighting for Homeschool Freedom - KSHE and you
Education: You Should Try This At Home! - Kevin Swanson
Parenting Children's Creativity-The Joy of Homeschooling - Holly Friesen
The Brain Stretching Power of Latin - Amy McVay