Taking Care of Mom: How to Avoid Burnout – Dara Halydier (Abiding Truth Ministry)


“When Mama ain’t happy, nobody’s happy.” So how can you keep Mommy happy? By making sure that her needs are met! What are those needs and how can she take the time to meet those needs without feeling guilty or leaving something else undone? Dara will give helpful ideas to meeting the needs of Mom so that she is filled up and able to meet the needs of her family.

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“When Mama ain’t happy, nobody’s happy.” So how can you keep Mommy happy? By making sure that her needs are met! What are those needs and how can she take the time to meet those needs without feeling guilty or leaving something else undone? Dara will give helpful ideas to meeting the needs of Mom so that she is filled up and able to meet the needs of her family.

“When Mama ain’t happy, nobody’s happy.” So how can you keep Mommy happy? By making sure that her needs are met! What are those needs and how can she take the time to meet those needs without feeling guilty or leaving something else undone? Dara will give helpful ideas to meeting the needs of Mom so that she is filled up and able to meet the needs of her family.

A Fresh Look At Adam & Eve – Brian Young (Creation Instruction)
Cost of Higher Education – Crystal Roach & Sue Kessler (Friends University)
Dual Credit Through Co-ops...Is It Possible? – Kathy Burt (TEL Education)
Raising our Boys to be True Gentlemen and Being an Example for our Daughters – Monica Irvine (Etiquette Factory)
A Bible-based Curriculum Makes Cents – Ernest Strubhar (Rod & Staff)