Teaching and Playing With A Purpose: Pre-K & Kindergarten - Lona Gorman (KSHE Board Member)


Preschool and kindergarten are important stages of development for our children. Do I need to purchase a preschool curriculum? Is Kindergarten important? How much school is too much for our little people? How many worksheets are too many? These are some of the questions we will answer as we look at creative ways to teach preschool and kindergarten.

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Preschool and kindergarten are important stages of development for our children. Do I need to purchase a preschool curriculum? Is Kindergarten important? How much school is too much for our little people? How many worksheets are too many? These are some of the questions we will answer as we look at creative ways to teach preschool and kindergarten.

Preschool and kindergarten are important stages of development for our children. Do I need to purchase a preschool curriculum? Is Kindergarten important? How much school is too much for our little people? How many worksheets are too many? These are some of the questions we will answer as we look at creative ways to teach preschool and kindergarten.

Embracing Technology In Your Homeschool - Olivia Hayse (Mama Marketer)
Keeping Kids Right Side Up In An Upside-Down World - Tina Busenitz (Child Evangelism Fellowship)
Homeschooling On the Bad Days - Katie Waalkes (Life In The Mundane)
You CAN Be A Great Math Teacher - Rebecca Walsh (RightStart Math)
How to Get Your Family Excited About Science - Sharon Fisher (BJU Press)