2025 Kansas Homeschool Expo Workshop Schedule
Below is the tentative workshop schedule for the 2025 Kansas Homeschool Expo. Workshop times are subject to change so be sure to check the schedule before you plan your weekend. You can look over the description of each workshop for more details.
Friday - April 11
SESSION ONE: 10:30 - 11:15 am
You Need To Calm Down! - Kelli Grant (Brain Balance of Wichita)
Raising Our Boys To Be True Gentlemen, Who Live With Honor - Monica Irvine (Etiquette Factory)
The Sweet Spot of Joyful Learning - David & Shirley Quine (Cornerstone Curriculum)
SESSION TWO: 11:30 – 12:15 pmThe Impact of Visual Math - Ashley Bettes (RightStart Math)
So Much To Read & So Little Time! - Cathy Ruchte (Lamplighterr Ministries)
Resistant Kids: Lack of Motivation. Constant Push Back. Battles. Help! - Christy-FaithSESSION THREE: 1:30 – 2:15 pm
The Real World - Are They Ready? Dara Halydier (Abiding Truth)
Reading Problem? Let's Fix It! - Carla Cox (Sylladot)
An Atypical Homeschool: Helping Your Neurodivergent Child Thrive - Colleen Kessler (Raising Lifelong Learners)SESSION FOUR: 2:30 – 3:15 pm
Unlocking the Sensory Puzzle: Understanding Sensory Processing Disorder - Kris Dickinson (TheraPlay Spot)
Benefits of a Mastery Approach in Homeschooling - Amanda Capps (Demme Learning)
Let Boys Be Boys - Mark Hancock (Trail Life USA)
SESSION FIVE: 3:30 - 4:15 pmSpark & Sustain: Fun, Interactive Learning to Reduce Burnout - Stephanie McPhilomy (BJU Press Homeschool)
Homeschool First Steps: Let's Get Started - Lona Gorman (Kansas Home Educators)
When Worry Overwhelms: Helping Your Anxious Child - Colleen Kessler (Raising Lifelong Learners)FRIDAY 6:00 PM KEYNOTE:
Education Revolution - Christy-Faith
Bonus Q&A Session with Christy-Faith & Colleen Kessler! -
Saturday - April 12
The Homeschool Advantage: A Child-Focused Approach - Colleen Kessler, (Raising Lifelong Learners)SESSION SIX: 10:30 – 11:15 am
Help Your Child Stand Firm Against Evolutionary Teaching - Stan Bryant (Natural His-Story Museum)
Reading Problem? Let's Fix It! - Carla Cox (Sylladot)
Finding The Sweet Spot - Christy-FaithSESSION SEVEN: 11:30 – 12:15 pm
Autism Discussion - Jeri Holmes (Kansas Home Educators)
Raising Confident, Generous & Compassionate Ladies requires Purposeful Parenting - Monica Irvine (Etiquette Factory)
The 5 Bigs of Raising Boys Into Godly Men You'll Be Proud Of - Kelly Love (Trail Life USA)
SESSION EIGHT: 1:30 – 2:15 pmHomeschooling On A Shoestring Budget - Dara Hyldier (Abiding Truth)
Dual Enrollment & Early College Access For Homeschool Students - Dr. Sam Morris (Wichita State University)
Overcoming Self-Doubt: The Quiet Battle of Homeschooling - Christy-FaithSESSION NINE: 2:30 - 3:15 pm
Milestone Magic: Tracking Fine Motor, Gross Motor & Speech & Language Development - Kris Dickinson (TheraPlay Spot)
Easy High School Transcripts - Lona Gorman (Kansas Home Educators)
Loving Your Differently-Wired Child For Who He Is - Colleen Kessler (Raising Lifelong Learners)SESSION TEN: 3:30 pm - 4:15 pm
Debunking Homeschool Myths: Separating Fact From Fiction, Elizabeth Pyle (BJU Press Homeschool)
The Heart of Homeschooling - David & Shirley Quine (Cornerstone Curriculum) -